Compiled using data from eleven national mapping agencies at data scales no larger than 1:200,000/1:250:000. Dataset was originally published in tiled Coverage format, using Esri ArcInfo. Data has now been merged to a single dataset using ArcMap v10.8 and exported to shapefile and geopackage formats. Each line has attributes detailing the date ('CST00DAT'), and sources ('CST00SHT' and 'CST00SRC').
Data attributes are:
- CST00TYP - Coastline type (denoted by code, outlined below)
- CST00DAT - Datestamp of source data
- CST00INF - Text field for notes and comments
- CST00SHT - Reference for map sheet of digitised source data
- CST00EDT - Data editor
- CST00SRC - Source of data
- CST00REV - Revision date of data
Coast types are defined using the CST00TYP
attribute, where:
- 22010 - ice coastline (definite),
- 22011 - rock coastline (definite),
- 22012 - grounding line (definite),
- 22013 - rock against ice shelf (definite),
- 22020 - ice wall (approximate),
- 22021 - rock coastline (approximate),
- 22022 - grounding line (approximate),
- 22023 - rock against ice shelf (approximate),
- 22030 - iceberg tongue
- 22040 - floating glacier tongue
- 22050 - ice shelf and front
- 22090 - ice rumples (distinct)
- 22100 - ice rumples (indistinct)
Data sources are dated between 1956-1997.